Sunday, January 25, 2015

Taiwan Post Jaunary 26, 2015

That time has come…

This is so sad to think that the time is ending here for me on the island of Taiwan. I will be home on Feb 4, 2015. So soon. The time has gone by so fast and also sometimes very slow. But every experience was an experience to learn how God influences our lives, and how He helps us through all aspects of our lives.

This week we had 12 total lessons that cancelled on us. We were so sad. But we are able to find 3 prepared souls and we were also able to go and teach other lessons to people who had interest but not as much time. Though we were not able to meet with our progressing investigators we were still able to go out every day and experience miracles, and we saw so many more blessings come from being diligent. We met some amazing less active members who really want to come to church but their work schedule stops them from attending. So we are working on helping them develop greater faith and help them come back to church.

Love you all!!!
Sister Basko

If you want to email me. Email me at

Side note - I don't know if I will get a posting from Rachel next week since she will be preparing to come home. So this may very well be her last post. She has been gone a few days short of 19 months.
I just want to reiterate that she will be speaking in church on the 8th and we would love to have you there. Church begins at 9am. We will also be having an open house reception for her that Sunday (probably at home) and you are welcome to come see her and visit with her and get the mission tour through pictures. Jeri

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Taiwan Post January 19, 2015

Great week of miracles
This week went by so fast. We were so busy. So every move call we go on exchanges with the sister training leaders. So this move call my companion sister Wawro stayed here in Beitun and I went over to Taiping. It was great to see another area and see how the missionary work is in different areas. I went with sister Lin. She is so amazing, so much faith and she is so courageous, she talks to everyone and is constantly going and doing things. We were very busy and we saw a lot of success. While my companion was here in Beitun she also saw so many miracles. They met a lot of great people who have interest in the gospel and we will hopefully get a chance to meet with them all in the coming weeks.

We also were blessed with the opportunity to meet with our great investigators. One has so much faith and is willing to do what she can to get to know God. She says she has felt a difference in her life and she is loving praying and reading the Bbook of Mormon,

We are loving this area of Taichung. We have had a lot of success and we are seeing the Lord’s hand as we go out every day. We are blessed with really great members who have so much love and are willing to come with us and meet with these different investigators.

I love you all!!!  Have great week. You are all beloved children of God!!!!

Sister Basko

Side note from me, Rachel will be home February 4th.  She will be speaking in Church on February 8th, if you can be there it would be great and we would love to have you there. Church is at 9am. We will be having a reception for her return on the 8th also the details will be coming next week when I figure out where and time. Jeri

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Taiwan Post January 12, 2014

A week of miracles

We were so blessed this week with so many miracles in just one day. So on Friday we did not have any lessons set up so we made plans to find some miracle people. We set a goal of find 3 new investigators. And we hit it!!!...they will be new investigators this week. We had English proselyting and then we had spirit finding....which means we say a prayer and then we follow the spirit and so Sister Wawro led us to where we needed to go. And we started contacting anyone we saw and knocked on all the doors in that area. Exchanged numbers with a guy who did not have a special religion and he said that we can call him up. A potential soul. Then we met a lady who was so excited to talk to us but she was too busy to stay long so we set up a time to go back and share more with her. Her friend is a member in the ward right next to the mission office and she has had a lot of good experience with the church so we are excited to share more. And then we knocked on the next doors neighbors’ door and he said that we could come and sing with his family on Saturday, they are Christian as well. So we will go back this week and sing with them...should be interesting. Then we kept going and a lady said that we could talk to her more that right then she didn't have time so we set a day to go back and see her.....that is 3 new investigators for next week. We hit our goal that we set. It is a huge miracle, acting on faith is to go and do and know that you will hit the goals you set. Then later that night we went tracting and met a girl who is really interested but she is in college and so she is not sure when she is we just have to go back and check to see if she is there. So exciting. Then we have 15 minutes to call phones. So we went to a nearby ok mart...a small convenience store to call phones. And a guy started talking to us. He is a native here and is Christian. But the only one in his family that believes in Christ. So interesting, we talked a lot and he was really interested in talking more. So we gave his number to the elders to contact. So cool. So many miracles happened that day!!!! It was a good day!!!

Love you all!!! Remember you are all children of a loving heavenly father!!!
Love Sister Basko


Rachel after their hike at the top of the mountain


part of the trail on the hike (yes that is a sculpture of a hand)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Taiwan Post January 5, 2015

We had a huge miracle this week. We went and heart attacked (means that they posted encouraging notes all over her door) Alexis’s house, she is a recent convert, which was a lot of fun. Her grandma caught us but since her grandma only speaks Taiwanese she just waved us we finished sticking them all to her door. And then we went and knocked some doors nearby. We saw a group of foreigners on the was we went the other direction. We knocked the second door and met a lady who invited us to walk with her to visit her friend who is also Christian. So we walked with her to the KFC and met her friend. Got to talk to them about Jesus Christ and how he has changed our lives and we are going back this week to talk more in-depth with them. We are really excited...they can also speak some English so it is half in Chinese half in English. It is a huge miracle and really amazing to see that there are still people who are open to the gospel of Jesus Christ even though they are Buddhist.

As we are diligent and follow the Holy Ghost in planning we will be directed to the area where people are prepared to learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love this area so much!!! Love you all!!! Have a great new year.!!!

Love Sister Basko

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Taiwan post December 29, 2014

How was your Christmas?? Do you see miracles? We did here in Beitun we saw some amazing blessing from Heavenly Father!!! We had so much faith and prayed about ways that we could find some new investigators, and we felt like we needed to call come former investigators that had previously stopped meeting with missionaries. We had a huge miracle this week from a result of calling these people we found. We were able to meet a really amazing new investigator. She had met with missionaries 5 years ago, once. So we called her up, and set up a date. We met with her on Saturday we shared with her the plan of salvation and testified of how it can bless her family, and gave her a Book of Mormon to start reading. She was so willing and asked some really good questions. She said that she thinks she really needs this to help her find that lasting happiness. We are really excited to meet with her again. While we were teaching her we gave her a sticker that says "no success can compensate for failure in the home." and she was like. My friend just gave me this; I stuck it on my scooter. We were like what?????? So amazing, God has been preparing her, and we met her right in time. This is why member missionary work is so important because the member plants so many seeds and we sometime come across these people and help them learn more. We hope that we will see a baptism soon!!! So we are excited to see what happens with this investigator.

Huge blessing to see the Lords hand in the missionary work here. And we also were English prosyliting and a guy came out and gave us warm water to drink since it was cold outside. And because he talked to us for a little bit we were able to talk to a guy who walked by. Found out that is a member but hasn't been to church for a little bit. So we re-invited him to come and had a really good conversion with him. Then he left. God prepares in all sorts of ways, we just don’t know how until after it happens.

Love you all, have a wonderful new years!!!
Love Sister Basko

I did post pictures from last week, I hope you enjoyed them. I hope that you all had a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Rachel will be home on February 4th - weather permitting. we will be having an open house reception the following Sunday, all are welcome. mom


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Taiwan Post December 22, 2014

Wow Christmas will be here in 3 days!!! So fast. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas. This is the best time of year to walk on the streets and sing Christmas hymns. For our English class we split into groups and went to a nearby neighborhood. We stopped random people and sang Christmas songs and then gave them a scripture card. We stopped by some businesses and asked if we could sing to them. They all said yes. Thank goodness. It would have been so sad if they said no. we were able to bring a smile to their faces and the little kids got candy. Everyone had a really good time even though our hands were freezing by the time we headed back to the church.

Then on Saturday our ward had their ward Christmas party. Which was a lot of fun. The missionaries and sister Lu sang the noel medley. It was really pretty, considering the lack of practice time we had. After they had gift exchanges. The kids loved it. And then we had a great pot luck dinner. We had some wonderful stolen bread, noodle dishes, curry, salads and fruits. Our ward was the sweetest. They gave the missionaries a ton of gifts. They were so nice. We are excited to open them on Christmas day.

The miracles we see everyday are small, but they all add up in a good week. We had a great time this week contacting. We went to a park. I was talking to one lady and a lady was talking to my companion. She invited us over to her house. She has said a prayer to help her find someone who needed some Chinese language study books, and she saw us and felt that we were the ones the needed it. It was a huge miracle. And blessing to be there when we needed her prayer answers. She is so sweet, and has amazing English. She is not in Taiwan very often, so we don’t know if we will ever see her again. But we hope to.

Love you all!!!
Merry Christmas
Love Sister Basko

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas too, I have pictures to post for Rachel but have not had the time to do that. That will be remedied this week. Jeri

Dinner at members home
Gifts for the missionaries from ward membrs
Christmas play at Church

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Taiwan Post December 15,2014

Merry Christmas everyone!!!! This is the best time of the year to share with others your love of Christ. Since we are able to focus greater on our Savior Jesus Christ. This year a new video came out about Christ. I think it is amazing. I hope you all will have a chance to watch and think about what kind of influence Christ has on your lives.

This week we saw so many miracles. We were contacting in a park and we walked around for a little while and then we saw a guy and felt that he needed to talk to us. As we walked towards him he stood up. And we started talking to him. We have a tract here that has lot of questions on it about our purpose in life and why we are here, such as: does God hear our prayers; how can this gospel help our families...etc. it is amazing to use in contacting. We sat down and talk to the guy more about these questions and how we have found answers. It was amazing to find someone who was seeking answers.

Love you all
Sister Basko